
Welcome to Shroom Side. Finding solace among nature on a cold rainy day.

.::The Shroom::.


~"i don't need to see him to know in my heart that he exists..."~
~email: kimxen@gmail.com

.::My Adores::.

~her prince Kurama
~her dad, the dependable King
~her mom, the caring Queen
~her sister, the older princess
~her brother, the young prince
~her soul sister Serene
~her knight, Lord Ryzhen


~dark minions
~sewing class
~inconsiderate profs
~evil darkness


~to be part of her prince's world
~to travel the world
~to visit Ireland, Japan & Korea
~volumes and tomes of magical craft
~peaceful kingdom
~a bright future ahead
~to be able to join a cosplay
~to dye my hair blue
~to collect Ouran High Manga

.::Memory Lane::.

July 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
August 2008
September 2008
January 2009
August 2010
November 2010
December 2010
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
July 2012
March 2013
December 2013
November 2014
July 2016
April 2017
May 2018
June 2018
November 2022
September 2024


Legion Of Gaea
Blessed Devil
Prince Yoeru
Knight Angelo
Prince Akabane
Prince Mamaru
Prince Kira Yamato
Destiny Waltz
Lord Knight Kiba
Lady Maxienne
Princess Pristine
Princess Lilai
Valley of Angels
Otaku Corner
Divine Castle
Princess Raissa
Satoshi Kagemaro
Lone Red Wolf
Neon Spring's Gallery


~Luna Mobile (server 22)
~Ikemen Sengoku (hiyori) ~Dragon Nest Mobile (Ava)
~I Love Yoo


|Imichi Ryua @ Blogskins|



Monday, September 23, 2024

At some point in our lives, we have this inexplicable urge to dig through our memories that we start to uncover past treasures. Such moment led me to open my blog. I skimmed through my rants and pried my younger version's thoughts. Funny how my posts were old but the feeling is new. It's like I'm getting a glimpse of another person's innermost musings but strangely enough, I still feel the emotions I put into writing like it was just yesterday. Nostalgic, melancholic, wistful at first then a sense of satisfaction and pride washed over me towards the end. I am proud of what I have gone through and it gave me the reassurance that I have come this far. It's sad that all of my peers who got into blogging have stopped updating. Like me, I know that life happened and we needed to grow. Priorities were set and we just didn't have time anymore. No one knew that it was the 'last update' or 'last chat'. We just ceased to exist. How fun would it be to reminisce and just see how we're all doing. I wish them well. I wish all of us have somehow reached our dreams or at the very least still having the same fire and determination in pursuing our goals. While I know I have matured (or atleast changed for the better in 20 years!), I still have that starry-eyed dreamer of a youth in me. We all do. It just takes a little nudge to coax it out. If somehow, someday and somewhere destiny brings you back here, do reach out to me thru social media (instagram: kimxen26) or email (kimxen@gmail.com) and drop by to say hi. :)

Ava stood out at 1:21 AM

Sunday, November 20, 2022

I just want to let it all out. A lot of things happened -- some good while some pretty much not so. I have so much update that I do not know where to start. Me and my family have migrated. It has been more or less 4 years since then. I guess one of my lifelong dreams came true. I am thankful it did. I had to say goodbye to my friends, my work and everything familiar in my life. I took it as a second chance to rebuild my life and start from a clean slate. Honestly, I am still adapting. My friends weren't around and I felt like it's a challenge for me to find someone I can invest my time and emotions to like how I did back then. It's emotionally taxing in a way. I have my coworkers but still it's different. Oh and I finally learned how to drive. I don't know how but I did it, another win! With everything good that's happening, we can't avoid the downside and such is the balance of things. Moving halfway across the world had taken a toll on my relationship. We used to say that we'll talk everyday. It was so for the first few months until life caught up to us. It takes two to make or break a relationship. We didn't end on good terms. I was expecting it nor would I make excuses for myself. I still care but whatever feelings I had left weren't enough to make me stay. I think we had both gone complacent that feelings won't change. It did and we learned that the hard way. I wish him well. I wish him the happiness he hadn't found in me. As for me, I am moving. As they say, the world won't stop when you do.

Ava stood out at 9:22 PM

Thursday, June 07, 2018

Most players in our server called it quits lately. You can almost count active ones in your hands and some were even dups. XD I think more will go away soon including some of our guild members. But I don't care if they quit. I told my couple before that if he stops playing, I might quit too. But I probably won't do that now. Even if they quit, I dont think I will follow them. I don't mind if I'd be the last person to do so in our server. XD Atleast I can go top in the rankings mwahaha. Oh well, in other news, I've been watching Supernatural again from Season 1. I'm actually done with the first season and I still feel the same way I felt when I watched it years before. Haha. I still get awestruck by Dean. I hope I can catch up to Season 13 before 14 starts. I love how they piss off Castiel on and off screen hahaha. :)

Ava stood out at 9:48 PM

Wednesday, May 09, 2018

I kinda fixed my blog and removed those pesky photobucket images. He he he. I find it somehow clean now. But it saddens me when I checked the links of my friends and found a lot were already inactive. Well, it has been 13 long years and it will be surprising if someone from my list still keeps their blog updated. Like me, for example, I only visit when I suddenly think about browsing my emo days. Hahaha. God I do sound like I always see life as one big, sappy, romantic movie. It really made me sigh 'coz somehow I miss that girl. :) Idealistic. But as all relationships, we need to move forward and don't let anything hold us back, including love. I still remember a post by a fellow blogger, Lone Red Wolf. I wonder how he is right now. He did use to leave something in the chat box like Kiba.

"I suppose in relationships, you can't get too comfortable. You shouldn't stop trying either. Things get stale fast. Things get tiring fast. Arguments escalate, and no matter what, after it's over, things won't go back to the way they were." - Shin/Lone Red Wolf (http://loneredwolf.blogspot.com/)

I will no longer make promises I can't keep such as actively updating my blog. I really missed this part of the net. I though I almost lost it when I can't enter my dashboard. Thank goodness for gmail. This will always be my place. A place where I can retreat to and be comforted by my solitude. For those who will accidentally drop by, don't be shy to hit me up thru email. My contacts are posted in the sidebar. I would really love to hear from you. ^_^ Anyways, I gotta go now!

Ava stood out at 12:50 AM

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

For the past few months, I've been hooked into Luna Mobile. It's a mobile RPG where you can choose from 3 different classes namely Warrior, Magician and Assassin. I've always been a fan of such games and it didn't take a lot to get me interested. I've also met people from different countries and I had fun learning a bit of their language. It's really fun to meet people. Someday, I hope I can meet them personally. Who knows, maybe I will after 2 years. :)

Ava stood out at 9:14 PM

Thursday, April 20, 2017

I want to have my own travel blog.

I'm sitting at our patio earlier and was thinking of random stuff after watching Running Man (*a Korean variety show*) when the idea came to me. T'was like *poof* -light bulb- moment. I've always enjoyed creating itineraries that it was basically my role on our "barkada" trips. I take pride in accurately determining the ETAs of those trips too. :D Well, anyway, I spend quite some time in searching for blogs with itineraries and costs. Believe me, it's one of the most sought after information. How much will the trip cost? What are the places to visit upon getting there? What's the most affordable and clean accommodation? I want to be able to answer those questions. :) Then again, I'm too lazy to update blogs. Sigh. Maybe some other time.

I want to have my own travel blog.

Ava stood out at 3:16 AM

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

We're here at the boarding area going back home to the Philippines. :) Unlike last time, we're here at KLIA2 instead of LCCT. I'm here with my nephew and sister-in-law. The 10 days that we've dtayed here in Malaysia was a great experience. I've tried other foods than chicken rice too. Though I wasn't able to explore on my own, I still had fun. Of course, I was able to visit my favorite places. ^____^ Hope I'll get to explore California next time.

Ava stood out at 3:01 AM

Layout * shadowmist